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BAKED Parmesan Hamburger... Super Easy & Delicious


Last week, I was in the mood for a delicious hamburger and ordered one from a local high end restaurant. It was EXPENSIVE ($28) and LACKED TASTE. I know I am a decent cook and should be able to create a HIGH END home made hamburger at a lower cost. So in my quest to find the best homemade burger, I also thought how about baking a burger. Due to my lease agreement, I cannot have a grill on my patio and I hate trying to fry/grill anything on my electric stove (oh did I mention I hate electric stoves). OK Google... how do you bake a hamburger? The results from my research and my knowledge of food led me to the CREATE the most amazing burger. I left off any ketchup, mustard or mayo to insure the taste was focused on the burger. No Fuss No Mess. Here is my inspired recipe. Express Your Love Through Food!


4 Beef burgers 86% Angus - approximately 1/4 lb each

Burger Spice Mixture:

1/8 teaspoon Baking Soda 

1/8 teaspoon Salt 

1/8 teaspoon Fresh Ground Pepper 

1/8 teaspoon Onion Powder 

1/8 teaspoon Smoked Paprika

1/8 teaspoon Parsley 

4 Tbs Parmesan Cheese

2 Hamburger Buns


Sliced Tomato

What every condiments you love on your burgers!


Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

I bought premade patties (Angus 86%) as it saves time and results in a better final product.

Place burgers on an oven save pan and liberalily sprinkle both sides with Burger Spice mixture. Let rest at room temperature for 30-45 minutes. Letting the burgers rest is an important step.

While the burgers are resting toast the top side of your buns under the broiler until golden. Remove and sprinkle parmesan cheese on the insides of each bun. Broil buns until just slightly golden. Remove and set aside for assembly.

Bake in a preheated oven for 20-25 minutes. Do not overcook. Let burgers rest for 10 minutes before serving,

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